Need Passenger Van for 10-12 People

Need Passenger Van for 10-12 People

Please consider donating to this project. We are projecting it will cost around $50,000.

$0.00 of $50,000.00
11 months to go

SKU: N/A Category:

Individuals staying in a Freedom House home are not required to bring anything except clothing.  As part of our service model, we provide all housing, food, personal items needed so the individual can focus on recovery.  Our staff provides transportation to medical and behavioral health appointments to remove all barriers to care.

  • For more opportunities or to contribute financially for a specific project please contact

Please donate today and help us to purchase One new or used 10 or 12 passenger van. You can donate online through our website here, We need to raise $50,000. so please don’t delay. Your donation will make a lasting difference in the lives of our residents and our community.