Support Freedom House Recovery Center

Support Freedom House Recovery Center

Freedom House Recovery Center is dedicated to helping individuals on their journey to recovery. Your support can make a significant difference in the lives of those struggling with addiction. Your generous donations enable us to provide essential services, including counseling, treatment, and community support, to those in need. We appreciate your commitment to our cause.

$11,750.00 of $1,000,000.00
2 years to go

SKU: N/A Category:

Freedom House Recovery Center is dedicated to helping individuals on their journey to recovery. Your support can make a significant difference in the lives of those struggling with addiction.

Your generous donations enable us to provide essential services, including counseling, treatment, and community support, to those in need. We appreciate your commitment to our cause.

To contribute to our mission or learn more about our programs, please feel free to contact us or use the donation form below.